Why choose a Big Ben Summer Camp?


Why choose a Big Ben Summer Camp?


Away from the sprawling city poignantly green tress roll endlessly, clear blues canvas the sky and a gentle breeze whispers calmly. Through the winds the day is alight with children’s laughter, amusing activities and discussions fading into the peaceful Romanian countryside.

Unique tales and memories are being told through the power of language. Language is a connector and in this moment English and German are the power sources fuelling such intriguing conversations.

As the evening draws in, sparklingly beautiful stars transcend the façade of the skyline; children and adults stare blissfully with such wonder and youthfulness lighting their eyes.

The day has been magnificent, games have been played, songs sung, friendships formed and the memory bank filled. In this moment of quiet a calmness resides over this group of explorers as they simply enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of nature.

This little scene is not from a movie or book, rather the Big Ben summer camp where incredible adventures await every day.

There are many reasons to choose a Big Ben summer camp but listed below are the most prevalent:



Before the great adventure begins steps are taken to ensure the child’s ultimate health and safety; meticulous research is taken to discover a child’s illnesses, allergies, fears etc. to enable them a smooth transition from the comfort of the parent to the opening arms of Big Bens staff.

Come the big day the child is greeted warmly by his or her custodian for the camp, here they will be spoken to and treated with respect, care and a friendly smile. The priority is then to get the child interacting with his peers, making friends and wondering about the days ahead.

The journey to the camp is supervised and Staff interact and comfort the campers, at the camp a secure location with appropriate facilities is the child’s new home for the week.

The camp location is safe, friendly, and within reach of nearby amenities should they be needed.



What makes a Big Ben camp so unique is the intriguing, diverse and stimulating offering of activities and events available for the children.

From singing or dancing passionately, to cooperating through teamwork with sports or to relaxing an invigorating day away by staring at the stars or taking a gentle hike.

Activities are relevant to the children’s ages and language level also; younger campers may find themselves playing a captivating and traditional English or German game. Older teenagers may be heard conversing over a thought provoking and challenging board game advancing their English or German skills.

A similar programme awaits both the English and German learning students but with variants in place where needed; although separate programmes are designed the campers join together for specific events or activities. Thusly this creates a balance, a togetherness and unity between the campers and staff there.

The elegance of the schedule which is conducted completely in English or German is designed to push the children but also to teach them and to learn through fun and interactive experiences. Ultimately they are children and the aim is for them to be free to enjoy their youth with a relaxed and appealing camp adventure.



Finally many camps oversell or have an unfair balance of children to staff; relating back to safety and the schedule Big Ben applies itself differently, the maximum ratio of campers to 1 staff member is 10 to 1 for the groups with more support staff also helping with proceedings.

Subsequently this allows much more meaningful, inspiring and quality interactions to be had between the staff members and the campers. More time is spent communicating, teaching and allowing the children to practice their English or German which they relish.

Also unique to Big Ben is the familiarity of the staff.

The Big Ben camp staff are employers new and old, they have experience and shared stories with Big Ben. They may know the children or staff through various projects or enterprises.

Of course fresh spirit is always good for a camp and Natives brought in to work are vouched for by colleagues or friends of the Big Ben family tree.

Many more reasons await for you to send your child to a Big Ben camp; places are limited so enquire soon to assure your child’s place.

For more information you can contact Big Ben School at cursuri@bigbenschool.ro or 0751.385.518.









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